50 Common English Idioms with Examples

50 Common English Idioms with Examples

Do you want to improve your listening skills and understand movies as well?

One of the most helpful ways to listen well is by using idioms, as most English native speakers use them. Sometimes, you watch a movie, but you do not have an idea of what they have said. That is because you are not familiar with the idiom that they use. That's why it is vital to be aware of Idioms.

What is Idiom?

An idiom is a group of words in a fixed order that has a particular meaning that is different from the meaning of each word on its own.

For example,  in the phrase, "it's raining cats and dogs". How come it rains cats and dogs? It is illogical. So, you say this phrase when it is raining heavily. In this way, you can find that the actual meaning differs from the literal meaning.

Using idioms also makes learning English so fun. For example, If you say, "the quiz is a piece of cake" instead of "the quiz is easy", it sounds more fun.

Time to learn Idioms

Here is a list of 50 common English idioms with their meanings and examples for five categories (food, work, colour, body, Animals).

Food Idioms

1. Have a sweet tooth

Meaning: like eating sweet food.

Example: She loves Chocolate. She has a sweet tooth.

2. Go bananas

Meaning: go crazy.

Example: She went bananas when the manager asked her to work on Saturday.

3. Piece of cake

Meaning: very easy.

Example: The Math test was a piece of cake.

4. Big cheese

Meaning: very important person.

Example: Her father is a big cheese in one of the most famous companies.

5. Sell like hot cakes

Meaning: bought by many people.

Example: The new model sold like hot cakes on the first day after the release.

6. Cool as a cucumber

Meaning: very relaxed.

Example: He is cool as a cucumber during the interview.

7. Couch potato

Meaning: spend a lot of time watching TV.

Example: Stop being a couch potato! Turn off the TV and go out.

8. Not my cup of tea

Meaning: not what I like or prefer

Example: I don't like this film. Horror movies aren't my cup of tea.

9. Bad egg

Meaning: bad person.

Example: He's a bad egg. Don't believe anything he says.

10. As useful as a chocolate teapot

Meaning: completely useless.

Example: The help he gave me was as useful as a chocolate teapot.

Work Idioms

11. Dead-end job

Meaning: job without a good future

Example: It is hard to support my family with a dead-end job.

12. Get the sack

Meaning: be dismissed from his job.

Example: He got the sack because he lied about his qualifications.

13. On the go

Meaning: very busy.

Example: Yes, I'm on the go all the time.

14. Talk shop

Meaning: talk about work when you are not at work.

Example: Don't talk shop when you are on vacation.

15. Behind the scenes

Meaning: It happens without most people knowing about it.

Example: A lot of hard work has been going on behind the scenes.

16. Out of work

Meaning: unemployed.

Example: Since the company closed, we are out of work.

17. Know the ropes

Meaning: know how to do something.

Example: You won't have to train the new employee; she already knows the ropes.

18. Crunch the numbers

Meaning: to do a lot of calculations.

Example: The computer will the numbers to determine the final score.

19. Have a lot on your plate

Meaning: have a lot of work at the moment.

Example: Marry will not come with us. She has a lot on her plate.

20. Rank and File

Meaning: The ordinary members of an organization

Example: Labor leaders announced that they have agreed to a new contract, but the rank and file still don’t like it.

Colour Idioms

21. Red tape

Meaning: official rules that make it difficult to do something.

Example: There is red tape to be accepted into a university.

22. Be in the red

Meaning: Have a negative amount in your bank balance.

Example: The company has been in the red for the last three quarters.

23. Blue blood

Meaning: belonging to the highest social class.

Example: It is not a surprise he likes to go to the opera. He's got blue blood.

24. Green with envy

Meaning: very envious.

Example: he was green with envy when he saw my new car.

25. Give something the green light.

Meaning: permit something to start.

Example: My boss gave me the green light to start a new project.

26. White-collar workers

Meaning: workers who work in offices, not doing physical work.

Example: White-collar workers do not want to work for a late time.

27. Feel blue

Meaning: feel sad.

Example: I'm feeling blue when I knew she lied to me.

28. Once in a blue moon

Meaning: very rarely.

Example: My mother is very careful about what she eats. It's only once in a blue moon when she eats fast food.

29. Gray area

Meaning: There are no clear rules.

Example: The responsibility for social studies in the college is a grey area. 

30. In the pink

Meaning: being healthy.

Example: I'm very glad to hear Tom is in the pink again.

are very glad to hear Tom is in the pink again. Source: theidioms.com
are very glad to hear Tom is in the pink again. Source: theidioms.com
very glad to hear Tom is in the pink again. Source: theidioms.com
very glad to hear Tom is in the pink again. Source: theidioms.com
very glad to hear Tom is in the pink again. Source: theidioms.comv
very glad to hear Tom is in the pink again. Source: theidioms.com

Body Idioms

31. All ears

Meaning: fully listening.

Example: Well, hurry up and tell me. I'm all ears.

32. Cost an arm and a leg

Meaning: to be very expensive.

Example: I like this jacket, but it costs an arm and a leg.

33. Give me a hand

Meaning: help me.

Example: Please, give me a hand with carrying this heavy bag.

34. Stand on your own two feet

Meaning: act independently.

Example: You're an adult now; you have to learn to stand on your own two feet.

35. Cold feet

Meaning: fear of doing something.

Example: She accepted the job, but then got cold feet.

36. Give me the cold shoulder

Meaning: react to someone in an unfriendly way or ignore someone.

Example: I thought we were friends, but the last time I saw her, she gave me the cold shoulder.

37. Pull Someone's Leg  

Meaning: fool someone.

Example: You don't mean that. You're just pulling my leg.

38. Turn a blind eye to someone/something

Meaning: pretend you do not see something.

Example: The usher turned a blind eye to the kid who sneaked into the theatre.

39. Have a heart of stone

Meaning: be cold and unfriendly.

Example: The villain in the play had a heart of stone. He was cruel to everyone.

40. Have a big mouth

Meaning: to be a person who tells secrets.

Example: Olivia has a big mouth. She told John what I was getting him for his birthday.

Animal Idioms

41. Smell a rat

Meaning: feel that something is wrong.

Example: I don't think this was an accident. I smell a rat. I think Mike has something to do with this.

42. Let the cat out of the bag

Meaning: to reveal a secret by accident.

Example: It's a secret. So, don't let the cat out of the bag.

43. Horse around

Meaning: to act in a silly way.

Example: Stop horsing around with your little brother.

44. The lion's share

Meaning: get the largest part of something.

Example: She ate the lion's share of the food.

45. Get someone's goat

Meaning: irritate someone.

Example: Sara's terrible manners get my goat.

46. Busy as a bee

Meaning: very busy and active.

Example: My sister is busy as a bee around Christmastime.

47. Hold your horses

Meaning: wait or be patient.

Example: Hold your horses! Everyone will get a turn.

48. Eager beaver

Meaning: A person who works very hard.

Example: The assistant gets to work very early. She's a real eager beaver. 

49. Copycat

Meaning: A person who does or says the same as someone else.

Example: Don't tell Sara about your ideas. She is just a copycat.

50. At a snail's pace

Meaning: very slowly.

Example:  Hurry up! You walk at a snail's pace.

After you learn the 50 Common English idioms with their meaning and examples, do not stop here. Work on your idiom list and try to expand it. In this way, you will have a good command of English Idioms.

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