10 ways to improve your English speaking skills

10 ways to improve your English speaking skills

One of the biggest obstacles in learning the English language is speaking skills. You find people who reach an advanced level in English and have lots of vocabulary. However, when they speak English, they feel that they are beginners. That's because they do not know how to practice well and do not exert much effort when they learn a new language. Here are 10 ways to improve your English speaking skills. If you follow these ways, you will feel a big difference in your level.


Find a partner


Post on forums, colleges, or even the library. You don’t have to find someone overseas or live in an English-speaking country as online applications like Skype or Zoom are great for generally talking within your schedule. Watching someone speak the language or using visual aids will help speed up the learning process.


Speak English daily


If you do not have a speaking-English partner, talk to yourself. When you find yourself drifting in your head, do it in English. When you wait for a coffee or think about something, perform your inner dialogue in English. You can also summarize your day and talk about details that happened. Remember, It is essential to be consistent when you learn any skill.


Listen actively


Whether you speak to a native English speaker or use an online resource, listen to the sounds and try to mimic them. Not only should you try to understand what is said, but you should also focus on how it is said. Try to ask a question about what you heard and answer them.


Watch English videos or TV Shows


Check what is trending on YouTube for an English-speaking country. You can also purchase or download an English television series online. Most popular series have English subtitles to help you follow along.



Read out loud


It exercises the same vocal organs that you use when speaking to someone. It also improves your pronunciation. That is the main reason why reading out loud improves your fluency. So, do not forget to read for 15 minutes daily. It would be better to start with articles as they do not need much time to read them.


Minimize your mother tongue language

As you know, the saying "Practice makes perfect". There is no substitute for simply forcing yourself to speak English. That may be difficult because of your location or career, but developing blocks in your schedule where you only speak English is an efficient way to become a good English speaker. As your confidence grows, continue to expand these blocks.


Make simple sentences

Do not learn words individually. Make a simple sentence for each word you learn. This technique will help you create a new phrase. For example, if you learn "at the end of the day", you can say "at the end of January". That means you can use the same pattern for building new phrases.


Think in English

It is vital to think in English. One of the helpful ways is naming objects around you in English in your head whether you are in your room, kitchen or wherever. Speak to your mirror every morning about what you are going to do and how you feel. That will help you not to translate into your native language.


Immerse yourself in English

That means try to write your ideas in English in your notebook. Use English when you make your shopping list too. Change all of your Application Settings to the English language. Do not worry if you find difficulty in the beginning. It will gradually vanish as time passes.


Be patient

It takes a while to learn anything -no exception- so try to have an optimistic and curious mindset. You should have a positive approach when learning how to speak English fluently. Be patient with yourself.

To sum up, if you apply the 10 ways to improve your English speaking skills and stick to them, you will find a gigantic difference in your speaking levels. As a result, you will be more confident while speaking with people.

You can also learn about Word Stress for English Language 


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