
Showing posts from September, 2021

The 4 types of sentence structure in English

There are four types of English Sentences: Simple, Compound, Complex, and Compound Complex Simple sentence Simple sentence equals one independent clause. It consists of subject + verb + complement Ex: He played football. Ex. John washed his car. Ex: she ate his lunch. Ex: They went to the zoo. We just add a full stop at the end of the sentence.   Compound sentence The second type is the compound sentence . It equals two independent clauses. There are 3 types of compound sentence. -       Using a comma and conjunction. -       Using a semicolon, a transition, and a comma. -       Using a semicolon only.   First, use a comma and conjunction. Ex: The waiter brought us some water, and we looked at the menus. We have two sentences here, and they are joined with the comma and the conjunction and . Look at the next example. Ex : The cyclist used all of his energy, but he rode up the steep hill very slowly. Again, we have two sentences. And these two sent

Word Stress in the English Language

What is word stress? Word stress is the emphasis we place in a specific syllable of a word when pronouncing it. In English words that have more than one syllable, we usually don’t pronounce every syllable with the same weight, so each syllable in a word can be stressed or unstressed.   In English we stress just one syllable in every word. We say that one syllable more loudly , we say it higher and we make it last longer .   Word stress is like a magic key to clear English. As you talk to people, listen to the news, watch movies, you must listen for and practice word stress. It will help you to understand what you hear and it will let others understand you.   Use an audio dictionary to listen to each of the words and mark which syllable gets the stress. Listen for the syllable that's a little louder and longer. You should practice to get it right.   Although English stress varies considerably, there are a few rules that will help you predict stress.   Stres