
50 Common English Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal verb is a verb with an adverb or a preposition, or sometimes both (particle),  to give a new meaning, for example go in for, win over and see to. A distinction may be made between phrasal verbs, prepositional verbs and phrasal-prepositional verbs, according to the different grammatical patterns in which they occur. For example:   Phrasal Verb - Turn Off the light.  - Turn the light off . A particle can occur after the object. Prepositional Verb I'll apply for the job. I'll apply the job for.    wrong A particle cannot occur after the object.   Phrasal-prepositional verb  It consists of a verb, an  adverb particle, and a preposition. We must cut down on expenses. They put their failure down to bad advice.   The meaning of some of these verbal constructions can be guessed from the meanings of their parts (e.g. cut down on).   Nowadays, the term "phrasal verb" is often used to include phrasal verbs, prepositional verbs, and phrasal-prepositional verbs.   A

10 powerful ways to improve your English listening skills

How to improve your English listening skills Many learners find their English does not improve even though they have studied it for years, and they do not know why they fail. Some of them get disappointed and quit learning it forever because they think it is impossible to grasp.    One of the main reasons for not improving is they depend mainly on text and grammar books and don't give time for listening to English and speaking what they have learned with their friends or classmates. So, if you want to perfect your English, listening is the key to mastering the English Language. Listening is a skill that a lot of learners struggle with, and they don't know how they should achieve their goals regarding listening skills. If you find listening to English difficult and awful and need to improve this skill, you should apply the ten powerful ways you can find out in the following lines. Here are 10 ways to improve your English listening skills Learn the International Phonetic Alphabet